The Fishermen's Trail
11 days, 280 km
A beautiful and tranquil hike on the Portuguese coast. A very accessible and beginner-friendly trail allows everyone to come and see the wilder side of the coastline. You can easily come and just even do day hikes as every stage begins and ends in a town or a village. We did the hike on 2nd half of September and the temperatures were still quite hot. At the same, the sea was enjoyable and allowed for refreshing swims. I would even recommend doing the hike a little later in the season when it is a bit cooler. Algarve is not cheap though. A price for a double room began from 60-70 euros per night. To be fair, as we like to have flexibility we also did not make reservations in advance. For affordability, there are official campsites normally a little away from the trail as well. The price was around 20 € per night for a tent with 2 people. It is recommended to use the official campsites as wild camping is prohibited in Portugal. That said, we managed to sneak in 2 nights away from the official sites. Pack up early and leave no trace of course. 😉
-> 2 nights guesthouse
-> 6 nights campsite
-> 2 nights wild camping The trail is not difficult in a traditional sense, as there are no mountains and has access to facilities. But as most of it is in soft sand, pushing through the sand in the heat of the sun with no shade makes it moderately challenging.
Obrigado Portugal! #fishermenstrail #portugal #hikingportugal #longdistancetrail #hiking #hikeportugal #rotavicentina
1 month ago